Colophon: who we are
Marta Werner is a textual scholar, editor, writer, and teacher. (
Caroline McCraw is a designer, writer, and artist. (
Danielle Nasenbeny is a doctoral candidate at Loyola University Chicago. (
Abraham Kim is an independent web developer. His DH projects include work on The Petrarchive.
Will Sikich is a doctoral student in English at Loyola University Chicago.
Patrick Bryant is Director, Product Development at Goizueta Business School, Emory University. He has over twenty-five years’ experience designing, developing, and deploying software in multiple languages. His academic training focused on C19 American literature, especially the works of Herman Melville and Emily Dickinson.
Rayne Broach is a doctoral student in English and Digital Humanities at Loyola University Chicago. (

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Support for this project has been provided by the Office of Research Services and the Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, Loyola University Chicago.