Dickinson's Birds

A listening machine

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Note: For our Sources, please see Poem Archive Notes and Bird Archive Notes.

Abram, David. 1996. The Spell of the Sensuous. New York: Vintage Books.

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Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris. 2015. Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

British Library Sounds @ https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Weather. [See also: https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Water; https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Soundscapes; https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Listen-to-Nature; https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Early-wildlife-recordings; https://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/Interviews-with-wildlife-sound-recordists-]

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Candland, Lara. 2018. The Lapidary’s Nosegay. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.

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Das, Subhadra, and Miranda Lowe. 2018. “Nature Read in Black and White: Decolonial Approaches to Interpreting Natural History Collections”. Journal of Natural Science Collections, 6: 4–14.

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Gordon, Avery. 1997. Ghostly Matters. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Greenaway, Peter. 1994. Flying Out of This World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Grossman, Sara J. 2021. “Gendering Nineteenth-Century Data: The Women of the Smithsonian Meteorological Project.” Journal of Women’s History, 33.1: 85–109.

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Kuhn, Mary. 2018. “Dickinson and the Politics of Plant Sensibility.”ELH, 85.1: 141–70.

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Lane, Cathy and Angus Carlyle. 2013. In the Field: The Art of Field Recording. Axminster: Uniformbooks.

Lucier, Alvin. I am Sitting in a Room. [1970] 1993. United States: Lovely Music, Ltd., LCD 1013.

MacKenzie, Cynthia, ed. 2000. Concordance to the Letters of Emily Dickinson. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.

Mąkowska, Joanna. 2021. “‘Poetic Thinking in the Anthropocene.’” Women’s Studies, vol. 50, no. 8,:  791–97.

Manning, Erin. 2016. The Minor Gesture. Durham: Duke University Press.

Marchand, Amanda and Leah Sobsey. 2021-present. This Earthen Door: Work In Progress. @ https://www.amandamarchand.com/this-earthen.

Marrs, Cody. 2017. “Dickinson in the Anthropocene.” ESQ, 63, 2: 201–25.

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Massachusetts Avian Records Committee. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife @ https://maavianrecords.com/.

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Merely, Tobias and Jesse Oak Taylor, eds. 2017. Anthropocene Reading: Literary History in Geologic Terms. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

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Morton, Timothy. 2013. Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

“Murmuration” @ https://www.wired.com/2012/03/starling-flock-dynamics/. For a video of this phenomenon, see also https://petapixel.com/2020/04/02/this-video-captures-the-mesmerizing-patterns-traced-by-a-flock-of-starlings/.

Nathanson, Tenney. 2016. “The Birds Swim through the Air at Top Speed: Kinetic Identification in Keats, Whitman, Stevens, and Dickinson (Notes Toward a Poetics).” Critical Inquiry, 42.2: 395–410.

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