Bring me the sunset in a cup – | Affiliated Manuscripts

Harvard (Fr140A)

ca. 1860, spring

Pencil | Fair copy

On stationery

Poem-message sent to Susan Gilbert Dickinson.

Bring me the sunset in a cup –

Reckon the morning′s flagons up
And say how many dew!
Tell me how far the morning leaps,
Tell me what time the weaver sleeps
Who spun the breadths of blue!


Write me how many notes there be
In the new Robin′s extasy
Among astonished boughs!
How many trips the Mullet makes –
How many Cups the Bee partakes –

The Debauchee of Dews!

Also – who laid the Rainbow′s piers?
Also – who leads the docile spheres
By withs of supple blue?
Whose fingers string the stalactite –
Who counts the wampum of the night
To see that none is due?



Lucretia Gunn Dickinson Bullard (b. 1806–d. 1885)

Dickinson’s paternal aunt.

Inclusive dates of correspondence: 1864. Letters, 3; poems, 2.