Ah' Moon – and Star! | Affiliated Manuscripts

H 69 (Fr262B)

ca. 1862, winter

Ink | Fair copy | Bound (fascicle 14)

On wove, cream, blue-ruled stationery

Retained in Dickinson's archive.

Ah′ Moon – and Star!
You are very far –
But – were no one farther
than you –
Do you think I’d stop for
a firmament –
Or a cubit – or so!

I could borrow a Bonnet – of
the Lark –
And a Chamois′ silver boot –
And a stirrup of an Antelope –
And leap to you – tonight!

But – Moon – and Star –
Though you’re very far –
There is one – farther than you –
He – is more than a
firmament – from me –
And I cannot go!