A Wind that woke | Affiliated Manuscripts

BPL 52 (Fr1216D)

ca. 1874, January

Ink | Fair copy

Poem embedded in a message to T. W. Higginson.
Thank you,
dear friend,
for me "New
Year," but
did you not
confer it?
Had your
Scholar per-
mission to
fashion your's,
it were per-
haps too fair -
I always ran
Home to Awe
when a Child,
if anything


Thomas Wentworth Higginson (b. 1823–d. 1911)

Writer, critic, social activist, friend; with the exception of Susan Gilbert Dickinson, Higginson is Dickinson’s most constant correspondent.

Inclusive dates of correspondence: April 1862-May 1886. Letters: 70; poems: 103.

Address: 16 Harvard Street, Worcester, Mass.

Distance Travelled: 37 miles