I'm sorry for the Dead – Today – | Affiliated Manuscripts

H 92 (Fr582A)

ca. 1863, summer

Ink | Fair copy | Bound (fascicle 25)

On laid, cream, lightly-ruled stationery, embossed with the letters WM above a shield displaying a double-headed eagle

Retained in Dickinson's archive.
 I′m sorry for the Dead – Today –
It’s such congenial +times
Old neighbors have at fences –
It′s time o′year for Hay,


And Broad – Sunburned Ac-
Discourse between the Toil –
And laugh, a homely species
That makes the Fences smile –


It seems so straight to lie
From all the +noise of Fields –
The Busy Carts – the fragrant
Cocks –
The Mower′s metre – Steals


A Trouble lest they′re homesick –
Those Farmers – and their Wives –