Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Common summer resident

May - September


Common summer resident and more common transient in May and from mid-August to mid-September. —Bagg & Eliot

May - October


Present May–August-mid-September. —Mass Audubon

May - September

open gardens, wood edges
Nest Materials
thimble of moss, lichens, fern, thistle or dandelion down, spider silk pine resin
19th-20th Century Field Notes
RUBY - THROATED HUMMING BIRD . Metallic green . Male , with a brilliant ruby - red throat patch , and green beneath . Female , without the throat patch , and white beneath . Length , 2 3 - 4 — 3 1 - 4 inches . Common summer resident . Earliest arrival , May 6th ; departs in September . Raises 1 brood . Eggs 2 , white . Nest of moss , covered with lichens and lined with fern or thistle down , on the limb of a tree . Eggs laid in June . Feeds on insects and honey . Beneficial . Male occasionally utters a sharp chirp .

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes

Thought to have declined in some regions in recent years, but surveys show no distinct downward trend.*