Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Abundant resident

January - December


Very common permanent resident, still more common transient

January - December


Present from early March–mid-May to mid-September-October, with many overwintering. —Mass Audubon

March - October

oak forest, yards, city parks
Nest Materials
twigs, grass, rootlets
19th-20th Century Field Notes
BLUE JAY . Purplish - blue ; beneath , ashy , whitening on the throat , belly , and under tail coverts ; a black collar encloses the throat and the conspicuous crest ; wings and tail , rich blue , marked with black and white . Length , 11 - 12 inches . Abundant resident . Raises 1 brood . Eggs 4 - 6 , olive - green , thickly spotted with a darker shade of the same . Nest of twigs and roots in pine trees . Eggs laid early in May . Feeds on eggs , insects , seeds , nuts , etc . Beneficial . Note , a harsh , unmusical scream .

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes

Least concern*