Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Common summer resident, sometimes abundant

February - October


Abundant transient and very common summer resident; casual in winter

June - February


Arrives mid-March through April; departs October through November; some overwinter. —Mass Audubon

March - November

open wood-and-farm lands with scattered trees
Nest Materials
fine grasses, pine needles, horse hair or turkey feathers
19th-20th Century Field Notes
BLUE-BIRD. Blue; belly, white; breast, chestnut. Length , 6 1/ 2-7 inches. Abundant summer resident. Earliest arrival, February 20th; departs in November. Raises 2-3 broods. Eggs 4- 7, pale blue . Nest of fine grass in bird-houses or holes in trees. Eggs laid from April to June. Feeds on insects , etc. Beneficial. A pleasing songster, but with little variety.

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes

Least concern*