Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Abundant summer resident

March - November


In summer abundant (outside woods and near water), and in migration even more so; from early November to mid-winter, local but (at least in the lowlands) not rare; in late winter, usually rare or absent

June - February


Found at all times of the year; migrants appear from early March to late April and from early September through October, with many overwintering. —Mass Audubon

March - October

thickets, brush, marshes, roadsides, gardens
Nest Materials
weeds, coarse and fine grasses, leaves, strips of bark, rootlets, animal hair
19th-20th Century Field Notes
SONG SPARROW . Above , brown , thickly streaked with black and rufous ; beneath , white , streaked with brownish - black . Length , 6 - 6 1 - 2 inches . Abundant summer resident . Earliest arrival , March 15th ; departs in November . Raises 2 - 3 broods . Eggs 3 - 6 , bluish or brownish gray , thickly spotted and streaked with dark brown . Nest of grass and hair on the ground or in low bushes . Eggs laid April - July . Feeds on seeds and insects . Beneficial . A very fine songster .

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes

Least concern*