Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Uncommon residemt

January - December


Probably resident, but definitely recorded only in the breeding season (mid-April to August) and late fall migration-season (late October to late December)

April - December


No data available

Deciduous and coniferous forests. (National Audubon Society)
Nest Materials
Nests in structures abandoned by other birds, including those built by crows, hawks, magpies and ravens. (Clark 1906; allaboutbirds.org)
19th-20th Century Field Notes
LONG - EARED OWL . Varied , everywhere , with black and tawny . No white collar on the throat . Length , 14 - 16 inches . Uncommon resident . Raises 1 brood . Eggs 5 , white . Nest in an old crow ' s or hawk ' s nest , or in a hollow tree . Eggs laid in May . Feeds on small birds and quadrupeds .

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes
