Occurrence in Amherst & Connecticut Valley, Mass.

Common resident

January - December


Uncommon resident

January - December


Resident; this species is essentially nonmigratory, except during especially severe winters when prey becomes extremely scarce or when immature birds seek out unoccupied territories and occasionally move long distances.

January - December

Forests, deserts, open country, swamps, and even city parks.
Nest Materials
Nest composed of bark, leaves, downy feathers plucked from their own breast, fur or feathers from prey, or trampled pellets
19th-20th Century Field Notes
GREAT - HORNED OWL . Black and tawny , with a white collar on the throat . Length , 24 inches . Common resident . Raises 1 brood . Eggs 2 , white . Nest in a hollow tree , or in that of a hawk or crow . Eggs laid in March or April . A famous “ hooter . ” Feeds on birds and quadrupeds . Injurious .

—H.L. Clark, 1887

21st Century Conservation Notes

Widespread and common, numbers apparently holding up well in most areas.*