After all Birds have been investigated | Affiliated Manuscripts

BPL 84 (Fr1383F)

ca. 1877, August

Ink | Fair copy

On stationery

Poem enclosed in a message to T. W. Higginson.

After all
Birds have
been investigated
and laid aside –
Nature imparts
the little Blue-
Bird – assured
Her conscientious
Voice will
soar unmoved
Above ostensible


First at the
March – competing
with the Wind –



Thomas Wentworth Higginson (b. 1823–d. 1911)

Writer, critic, social activist, friend; with the exception of Susan Gilbert Dickinson, Higginson is Dickinson’s most constant correspondent.

Inclusive dates of correspondence: April 1862-May 1886. Letters: 70; poems: 103.

Address: 16 Harvard Street, Worcester, Mass.

Distance Travelled: 37 miles