There is a flower that Bees prefer – | Affiliated Manuscripts

H 94 (Fr642A)

ca. 1863

Ink | Fair copy | Bound (fascicle 31)

On laid, beige, blue-ruled stationery, embossed LEE | MASS. on a bale

Retained in Dickinson's archive.
There is a flower that
Bees prefer –
And Butterflies – desire –
To gain the Purple Democrat
The Humming Bird – aspire –


And Whatsoever Insect pass –
A Honey bear away
Proportioned to his several
And her – capacity –


Her face be rounder than
the Moon
And ruddier than the Gown
Of Orchis in the Pasture –
Or Rhodo<n>dendron – worn –


She doth not wait for June –
Before the World be Green –