Bird Archive
Clay-colored Sparrow
(Spizella pallida)
Affiliated Manuscripts
Further Data
God gave a Loaf to every Bird –
ca. 1863
Victory comes late –
ca. 1863
Victory comes late,
ca. 1862
Some, too fragile for winter winds
ca. 1859
I think just how my shape will rise –
ca. 1861
I envy Seas, whereon He rides –
ca. 1862
Her breast is fit for pearls,
ca. 1859
Her breast is fit for pearls,
ca. 1859
A Sparrow took a slice of Twig
ca. 1872
A Sparrow took a Slice of Twig
ca. 1872
"Mama" never forgets her birds –
ca. 1860
= Original manuscript lost or destroyed
= Manuscript facsimile coming soon